seriously little guy? you're so close! the grass is right there below you! GO TOUCH IT!
why are you denying yourself the possibility to achieve great things for yourself?! you think this mech is going to carry you in it forever? what happens when you end your service,what will happen to you when you're already dismissed?! there won't be any mech to touch the grass for you,you'll have to face the pain of living as a citizen on your own! you can't let this go any further,it's too early to rest young one! get off that cockpit,ravel in the joys of nature,use this time of leisure to pull up some exercise! not just some training exercise for your fleeting time with those machines,REAL exercise,run with the wind! do pushups and situps,drink some juice,celebrate your manliness by rejecting the concept of rest,be the greatest hero and role model of your own peers!
get down from there,AND TOUCH