i'll be sure to dispatch a robot or 2 at her if she gets too angsty
i'll be sure to dispatch a robot or 2 at her if she gets too angsty
you've overhumanized that horrible red beast.
i find it offensive towards all the poor souls who were captured by her malicious traps before being sent to the education and learning camps by baldi.
it's even more dishonest seeing the player being so confidently calm around her knowing her crimes against humanity
i've also heard her dress is only red because of all the apples she stole while forcing people to "play with her".
i apologize for my very harsh criticism,but this monster has brought too much pain and suffering upon many,and seeing her portrayed as anything more then a demonic entity could be seen as problematic
all this animation is missing is a bunch of perfectly cut screams,murderous burgers and mario dancing to chacaron macaron
Why do I know those, oh god I feel old lmao
2 extra holes
this top is 2 extra holes from belonging in a stri.......ng of [VERY SOPHISTICATED] fashion design collages [DESIGNED BY THE CLASSICS YOU'VE COME TO EXPECT] [©1997]
get your croc [BITTEN] top for a [LIFE ENDING] price of 14.99$! payment will [PAINFULLY] be expected in kromer!
a guy? you sure you don't mean an hot naked lady conveniently covered by some random floating rectangle or bubbles?
the thing is you are 100% TOTALLY right and i originally planned to have her naked in this scene but i didn't wanna make anyone at the table uncomfy lmaoooooooo
atari vs capcom
can't wait to see it
My Team:
Strider Hiryu, Centipede, Yars
as you should have,i would not allow any other option
Whats the other 60%?
30% is deathcore variants, 29% are any other metal subgenre, and 1% is carameldansen on repeat
Imagine this thing teaching us how to make paper
"you'll need 3 sugar canes"
how do you even use those type of controllers?! is that really what switch owners have to deal with?!
Age 27, Male
Joined on 6/23/15